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AI Travel Planning & Booking

The New Era of Travel Planning with AI: Personalized Experiences and Convenience

As Artificial Intelligence grows there has been a lot of talk about how this will impact travel and tourism.

Many new ideas and many new programmes are being released day after day and the experts claim these will totally disrupt the travel market and how we plan and book. And they are probably right, but not in the short term.

Travel for most is an emotional purchase, and one people want to be part of.

Feeding in your desires and wants to a programme and asking it to create an itinerary and make all the necessary bookings is still some way off. Of course, it might be easier for the business traveller as their needs are much more specific, but the leisure traveller wants to see and explore online the options open to them.

There is however some AI which is worth pursuing.

Millions have adopted the use of ChatGPT and the other similar programmes. They have made our lives so much easier and for many people they are also being used as a Search facility instead of Google. But this is simple usage compared to what the future might bring. However, the public’s understanding of what is possible is what will drive the usage. New programmes will only be used where they are easy to understand and there is an immediate benefit.

At we have integrated simple AI into our Search facility as a Chatbot titled Your Personal Tour Guide. People can ask it for places to go, things to do and where to stay. And it is multi-lingual from English to Chinese, from French to Turkish and so on.

Your Personal Tour Guide will offer many options and if requested create an itinerary. Where we have the listings on our site these will be highlighted in blue and are a link to that place on our site where people can see videos, photos and read more details. Much of these are reviews from guests who have already visited, including their own videos providing a greater degree of authenticity.

When a company is advertising with us, there will be a link from our site to theirs where people can learn even more and book direct.

For accommodation providers including hotels, bed and breakfasts and short-term rentals (STR) – think AirBnb – we have partnered with who offer a variety of AI assistants including a Sales Assistant. This means guests landing on the site of an accommodation provider can immediately learn more and make a booking. No need to speak to anyone. No need to enter into lengthy correspondence. And the AI Assistant who is also multilingual works 24/7 allowing you to capture the sale when the guest is ready to make their booking.

If in the event the AI Sales Assistant cannot immediately help it will invite potential guests to leave their contact details and an appropriate time for someone to contact them.

This is where AI comes into its own. It doesn’t disrupt the travel industry but makes life easier for potential guests and the providers.


It makes everyone’s life quick and easy:

  • - Personal Tour Guide to show the possibilities and give information
  • Click to see videos, photos and comments from previous guests and the official videos, photos and sales messages from the provider
  • Click to the website of the provider
  • In the case of accommodations ask the detailed questions from the Sales Assistant.
  • Make the booking direct

And all this from one platform*

AI will grow and expand but let’s not get a carried away with the hype. It won’t happen overnight but will be a slow progression as people and businesses learn how to benefit from it. - Tourism Information Platform of the Year 2024 – Corporate LiveWire

Best Video Travel Review Site UK 2023 – SME News


Note – this article was written entirely by a human

*When nothing has been listed on the options are highlighted in dark grey and will require a further Search via other means with no guarantee you will find the site to book direct.

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